My theory: the little brown fuzzies are the lamb's wool. Why...?

Lion Brand Yarn: Wool-Ease, Thick and Quick. You promised me nothing you didn’t deliver. Wool-acrylic blend. Without even bothering to seek out the ratio, I snatched you off the Hancock shelves… but I ought to have known better.

However, I feel as though all my yarn store snobbery has been officially justified.

86% acrylic. 10% wool. 4% rayon.

...because those were the only fibers that held dye.

Never have lamb fleeces been so pointlessly incorporated.

Why even bother listing wool as an ingredient? I suppose my first clue should have been the advert: “machine washable and dryable!” Seriously…Wool-Ease. No shame.

It soaked in this dye bath for ten hours.

And this is the result. The color is draining out further, even as I type.

Again, I only blame myself for this pointless foray into the world of dye and acrylic. Never again will I assume that a product has enough wool to hold color merely because that’s what it is named.

Fantastic for some projects, be then as it may. Click here for the official site!